5 tips to combat the procrastination bug



  • Give yourself a time pattern.
    If you know you can’t do more than an hour of work without distraction, give yourself a half an hour break. By giving yourself some rest from the assignment, it’ll give you time to relax for a while. Just remember to get back to that essay.
  • Organise yourself.
    Make sure you have everything you need before you start. Pens, pencils, laptop charger, fruit, water etc. If you prepare beforehand, you won’t have an excuse to stop working.


  • Make a list.
    Write down EXACTLY what you need to do for the assignment. Work your way through them one by one. By breaking your work into segments, the task won’t seem as difficult and daunting as you first thought!


  • Log off Facebook, Twitter and all social networking sites.
    I know I know, it’s difficult to do but it’s needed. Once you log out of your social networking sites there should be less distractions.


  •  Set goals.
    Spread out your work over a few days and set yourself a goal to finish by the end of each day. When you complete your goal, reward yourself with a treat. It sounds daft but hey, it works.


Are you a procrastinator? Sometimes students don’t even realise they procrastinate. Why don’t you take this test and see for yourself on mindtools.com?

Procrastination words written on paper with a dark background surrounding the word "NOW" in bold capitals

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