Calling All Nutella Addicts!

Hi. My name is Nyasha and I am addicted to Nutella. I say that with no shame whatsoever however my bank account may say otherwise. This amazing substance of joy that’s been captivating chocolate lovers for decades is not the cheapest of items. Nutella can be an expensive addiction for students; we all know that every penny helps.

So if you’ve been so wise as to use up most of your loan but still wish to have the little luxuries of Nutella, here’s how to make it yourself!


  • 275g Hazelnuts
  • 6 tablespoon Cocoa Powder
  • 150g Icing Sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 175ml Rapeseed Oil/Vegetable Oil



  1. Roast the hazelnuts in the oven on 200C for about 10 minutes until slightly browning.
  2. Add the hazelnuts to a food processor and puree until they are very smooth.
  3. Add the sugar, salt, vanilla and cocoa powder and then puree for 30 seconds.
  4. Add the canola oil and puree for 30 seconds more.
  5. If you have a sieve then strain the mixture to get the last bit out, if not then you can enjoy it a little lumpy.
  6. Enjoy!


There, easy steps on how to make your own stash of the gorgeous Nutella. Pop down to Tesco, Morrisons and the like, you can usually find all the ingredients at the local supermarkets.

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