Alternatives to a night of boozing

A monopoly board game

Most of student life revolves around going out and the drinking culture. Sometimes it is nice to take a break from nights out and the hangover the morning after.

Here are a few ideas of how you can have fun with friends or flatmates without consuming alcohol.


This sounds incredibly old fashioned, but going to the bingo is definitely a funny night. Gala Bingo in Lincoln offers students to play for a discounted rate on Thursdays.

6 women playing bingo on an electronic machine


Lincoln Superbowl (not to be confused with superbull) offers student discount meaning that one game is no more than £5.00 and two games is no more than £9.00.

Bowling pins and ball


If you feel like splashing out a bit of money then take the movie night to the cinema. At the moment there is only one cinema in the town centre, Odeon.

Cinema with red seats

Create a meal

Flatmates do not generally cook together, so for a change go on a outing to the supermarket and make dinner together. Alternatively, spend the money you would take on a night out and treat yourselves to a meal out. It saves on the washing up and gets you in a different environment.

A kitchen counter with variety of chopped vegetables

Play card games

 You need a deck of cards to play drinking games, why not sit around and play some standard card games. You could also hold a poker night (you can play with 1p and 2p’s if you are skint), yes people may have alcohol but it’s a time to socialise and also do something fun.

An array of cards

Play games

Most people have board games at home that they may no longer play, if you’re group of friends aren’t too competitive, (my friends nearly fell out over a game of monopoly) then sit down and play.

A monopoly board game


An indoor children’s play area that is open to students and over 16’s every Tuesday night. Only £5.00 with your student ID you can relive your childhood and play in the ball pit, go on the slides. If you have a large group then this is a fun couple of hours. However, it will leave you aching in the morning. 

A picture of a ball pool for a children's indoor play area

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