The F Word: Body Image and the Media

The next F Word is for the females.

A week ago I read Radio 1 presenter, Jameela Jamil’s Tumblr blog where she discussed the issue of body image within young girls.

Going to a girls school for 6 years I regularly heard size 10 girls pull at their none existence ‘fat’ then spent the rest of lunch time nursing an apple, something that I didn’t really understand.

So what is to blame for our attitude to body image today?

I went on to discover different articles discussing the link between the media and body image, particularly in females which has proven to be a considerable factor when it comes to body image.

Last year Vogue put Adele on its front cover which was amazing. Chanel supremo, Karl Lagerfeld disagreed saying ‘she was a little too fat’. His comments reached the headlines and  was met with much criticism, rightly so.

So why do we still attain to look stick thin when even they don’t? Air bushing is a well known tool used by magazines to make models and celebrities that appear in the magazines, more attractive.

However, for the issue of body image there is some hope. Celebrity figures such as Beyonce and Kim Kardashian are good role models when it comes to image.  Two curvy and beautiful women, both successful in their own ways, proudly display their curves, only good can come out of having women with figures like theirs on the front of fashion magazines.

Vogue is indisputably the world’s fashion bible, therefore much can be taken from the fact they have chose to stick Adele on their cover. One can only hope that the fashion industry will be more accepting to whatever size you are your beautiful.

A picture of a very skinny Victoria Beckham A picture of Cleo magazine with Kim Kardashian on the front cover wearing a pink bikini

Super skinny Victoria Beckham and curvy Kim Kardashian.









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