Advice: How to tell someone you don’t want to live with them

A aerial photograph above Lincoln

Q. My flat has been the same for the first two years of university, there are four girls and two boys. Next year me and two of the other girls want to get a house together and move out of our flat. The two boys are doing placement years so it just leaves the one girl on her own. She doesn’t really join in with us and keeps herself to herself but she is expecting that we will be living together next year. How can we tell her that we don’t want to live with her without being mean.

A. Deciding where to live next year is always a big problem. Most people don’t seem to get on well with their flatmates and so move in with their course friends in the second and third years. You could sit her down and explain that you want to live the three of you, if she questions why then you need to be honest. It may seem harsh to say so but in the long run I am sure she would be happier knowing the truth.

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