Making the most of your part time job

An image of a supermarket

For some people a part time job at university gives them something to do on a weekend. For most, it tops up their student loan so they can afford to go out more than once a week. For others, like me, it means that I can be at university because I wouldn’t have any money otherwise.

No matter what the circumstances a part time job is very beneficial, to some it can be a bonus to university life.

The money

The most obvious benefit of a part time job is the money, that little bit of extra cash every month or week really does help. It can mean you can buy branded super noodles instead of budget ones.

 The experience

 Skills gained from a part time job are invaluable, although sometimes it means that you have to turn down work experience that relates to your degree. Future employers will look at your past work experience and if you have had two years working in a shop, restaurant or bar, you have examples of teamwork, leadership etc.

 The people

 One of the main reasons I actually look forward to going to work is the people I work with. Working whilst at university means that I have my flatmates, my course mates and work colleagues. Being able to have that different set of friends that haven’t got all the problems of university life really broadens your perceptions.

  The career ladder

 Working part time also gives you a chance to progress. Most workplaces will have opportunities for you to advance, even if it has nothing to do with what you wish to do in the future it shows commitment and that you will push yourself.

You may just surprise yourself. Many people get a part time job and discover that maybe they don’t want the career they thought. My own brother studied a accounting degree yet after working his part time job and advancing decided he wanted to go into retail management.

  The motivation

 Alternatively, you could be like me, I sit on a check out at a well known supermarket, although I have experience, money and friends, I know that I do not want to do this for the rest of my life and it gives me determination to do well at university so I can get into my chosen career.

If you decide that you want or need a part time job, think about everything that you can get out of it.


Advice: Missing food

A squirrel pointing to itself whilst looking in a window with the text 'your blaming me for your missing food?!'

Q. Shortly after I moved into my flat I noticed that bits of my food kept going missing, nothing big just some milk or bread would be taken. I wouldn’t mind if people asked me first but I don’t know how to bring it up with my flat.

A. If you get on quite well with your flatmates then sit them down and have a chat. Try not to be accusing even if you have suspicions on who might be taking your food. Say that you don’t mind if people have run out of food just you wish they would ask you first. If this doesn’t help or if you really do not get along with your flatmates, try keeping your food in your room, or you can talk to the student support services or your accommodation provider.

Advice: Loud music

A man standing between two speakers

Q. One of my flatmates plays really loud music all through the day and then into the early morning. It’s really annoying when I am trying to sleep or do work. It’s fun when we are predrinking to have music but when people are trying to do work it can be frustrating. I have tried to ask politely for him to turn the music down but he does for about ten minutes then blasts it out again. Help!

A. Some people seem to enjoy having their music on all the time. Try again to compromise with him, ask him if he could have his music off by a certain time. If the problem continues then you can go and talk to the accommodation staff. If you get on well with your flatmates then maybe have a chat with everyone and ask if it bothers them as well.

Advice: How to tell someone you don’t want to live with them

A aerial photograph above Lincoln

Q. My flat has been the same for the first two years of university, there are four girls and two boys. Next year me and two of the other girls want to get a house together and move out of our flat. The two boys are doing placement years so it just leaves the one girl on her own. She doesn’t really join in with us and keeps herself to herself but she is expecting that we will be living together next year. How can we tell her that we don’t want to live with her without being mean.

A. Deciding where to live next year is always a big problem. Most people don’t seem to get on well with their flatmates and so move in with their course friends in the second and third years. You could sit her down and explain that you want to live the three of you, if she questions why then you need to be honest. It may seem harsh to say so but in the long run I am sure she would be happier knowing the truth.

Shops in Lincoln

Before moving to Lincoln it is useful to know what exactly is in the city centre, whether your bank has a branch or whether your favourite shop is here.

An edited picture looking down on Lincoln's high street at the shoppers, with Waterstones & Primark in view.






Lloyds TSB


Betting Shops





The Works



Card Shops

Card Factory




Ann Summers





Dorothy Perkins

Fat Face


La Senza

Laura Ashley

Marks and Spencers

Miss Selfridge


New Look





River Island

Shoe Zone



Uniform Direct






Music Room


Caffe Nero



Marks and Spencers





Tesco Express


Health and Beauty

Body Shop


Boots Opticians

Fragrance Shop

Holland and Barrat







House of Fraser

Marks and Spencers



Ernest Jones

H Samuels

John Creed

Phone Shops



Carphone Warehouse


Virgin Media


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