Gay marriage; a step in the right direction

Gay marriage; two words I seem to be hearing a lot lately. I have no problem with this; in fact I applaud the government for finally attempting to enforce equality in such a sensitive area.

However, the issue I do have is the constant need for the word ‘gay’ to be used in front of marriage. If members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) community decided to purchase a car would we call it a ‘gay car?’ Would a gay person go for ‘gay lunch?’

A change is being made, I can see that, but is it enough? Equality represents the state of being equal, in status, rights and opportunities. Of course, we each are individuals, but surely we all have the same basic functions as one another. We all love, feel heartbreak, have crushes, fantasies and attractions; why should it matter who they’re aimed at?

To me it feels natural, like a number of people I fell in love, the only difference is that I fell in love with a girl. This certainly doesn’t make me feel any differently, this is simply who I am.

When people finally stop discriminating and drawing attention to the differences between straight and gay people, maybe then real equality can be achieved.

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