Uni Days

Anyone that has experienced university life will know that the relationship with the dough fluctuates. Loan day you feel like Bill Gates, a couple of weeks down the line, not so much…

I love fashion which is pricey to love, so you find yourself deciding, food or alcohol? (If your wondering, always alcohol.)

Alas! Uni days has made the lives of students that little bit easier on our bank account by creating a website that allows students to enjoy discounts from their favourite independent retailers such as Topshop, ASOS and Urban Outfitters. Kerching.

Each time you want to online shop you simply log into the website and it gives you the discount code to enter when using the checkout.  There’s times that Uni Days will also offer extended discount for a limited time.

Visit at  www.myunidays.com and tell all your friends, you can earn cash just by getting a fellow student to sign up.



The F Word

Every woman has been there you’re in a club with your friends and turn around thinking your friend has given you a cheeky squeeze when you realize, your friend, is in fact some creepy drunk guy. Not so recently this happened to me.  Instead of ignoring it I gave said guy a piece of my mind, we won’t go into the details what was said exactly but, my point is that at one point did men believe it’s acceptable to randomly grope a woman ?

Over the years I have been appalled to hear males of my age  believe that if a woman dresses a certain way she’s inviting herself as ‘fair game’.  This is absolutely ridiculous and makes me question how they come to believe this. It goes back to the old quote. “A woman brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one.”I love fashion and I’ve always said that my favorite part of going out is the ‘getting ready’ phase, being with your friends listening to music, doing your hair and make up and putting on a dress and heels.

Many guys will say that when they’re groping a woman in a club then it’s just ‘banter’. No it’s not, it’s actually assault.

Do we have ourselves to blame for men believing they can get away with this? If guys knew it was un-acceptable would resist clawing at a woman for attention?

I spoke to 21 year old, civil engineering Brunel University student Elise Nolan who said: “Men think if a woman is dressing and acting provocatively then she’s ‘fair game’. for a fact their excuse will be that if a woman doesn’t want that kind of a attention then she shouldn’t be putting it out there in that way.

“Of course I completely disagree, it’s a woman’s prerogative to dress and act how she wants, we don’t have to be suppressed by male expectations and ideals. I agree with men as far as if a woman obviously all over a man and he gets the wrong idea, but when it comes to unexpected groping there is no excuse.

Men, whether they like it or not, like to still believe its a man’s world, and as such think they can act how they like towards a woman and not expect consequences. Most men in a club, groping random women having had a few too many drinks will probably think nothing of it ,they won’t consider that it’s technically assault and would never think that a woman would go as far as to have them removed from a club or arrested.

I think girls have to be wary, purely because whilst some girls may love this attention, its not fair for others to be subjected to the same behavior when it is unwanted.”

Ultimately, awareness of the issue will ensure that men know what is appropriate and what isn’t and us girls need to stick together and take a stance.



Classic Sponge Cake recipe

It’s often difficult thinking of gift ideas and with Mother’s Day fast approaching, how about doing something different and baking.  It’s different, lost cost and delicious! Once you’ve mastered this simple recipe they will be no stopping you

You will need:

  • 115g self raising flour
  • 1 level teaspoon baking powder
  • 115g spreadable butter
  • 115g golden castor sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Two 18cm by 4cm sponge tins, lightly buttered and bases lined plus two wire cooling trays

1. Pre heat the oven to 170 degrees, gas mark 3

2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a roomy mixing bowl lifting the sieve quite high to give the flour a good airing as it goes down, add all the other ingredients.

3. Using an electric hand whisk combine the ingredients until you have a smooth and creamy consistency.

4.  Divide the mixture between the two prepared tins, level off using the back of a tablespoon and bake near the centre of the oven for about 25 minutes. The cakes are cooked when you press lightly and the centre springs back.

5. Remove them from the oven and after about 40 seconds loosen the edges by sliding a palette all round, then turn them out onto a wire cooling tray.

6. Carefully peel back the lining by gently pulling it back. Lightly place the other cooling tray on top and just flip them both over so that the tops are facing upwards to prevent them from sticking to the cooling tray.

7. When cool sandwich them together with any sort of preserve like lemon curd, fresh whipped cream.

8. Dust the whole cake generously with icing sugar. Store in a tin to keep fresh.

And enjoy!


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