DIY home made lip scrub

With the winter season brings the horror of dry skin, and what’s worse than dry skin? Dry lips.

Everyone wants smooth lips compared to flaky ones, but sometimes it’s harder to keep your lips moisturised in winter with just a lip balm.

One way to avoid painful dry lips is to use a lip scrub to get rid of excess skin whilst moisturising.

You can get lip scrubs from your local Boots, Superdrug and Lush stores… But usually they can cost quite a bit of money… So here’s our way of making your own homemade lip scrub and saving the pennies.

All you need is 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Then mix them all together.

The brown sugar works to exfoliate your lips and get rid of the dry skin. The honey and olive oil are what will make your lips feel lovely and moisturised.

Add more teaspoons of each if desired to make your perfect lip scrub.

Have you ever made your own lip scrub before? If you have, let us know how you made yours by commenting below.


Found via youmeandannie

DIY Facials

We’re all guilty of drinking too much alcohol, not getting enough sleep and still having to wake up at an unearthly hour of 9am from time to time. This can often wreak havoc with your complexion and most students do not exercise the luxury of being able to afford a salon facial.

Here is how to give yourself a mini facial in 5 easy steps.

You’ll need:

  • Facial cleanser
  • An exfoliating scrub
  • Face cloth
  • A face mask of your choice
  • Face moisturizer

 1. You need to remove your make up. Apply a gentle cleanser to your face and leave for a few minutes.  Using a face cloth or cotton pads sweep the cleanser all over your face so your face is completely clean.

 2.  Using your fingers gently rub exfoliate into your face in circulations motions.

 3. Fill your sink with warm water and soak your face cloth. Ring it out and press it against your face. Repeat this 2 or 3 times.

 4.  Apply a face mask and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.

 5. Smooth thick moisturizer especially in winter as the cold can make your face very dry.

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Source via Lauren Conrad