Search for Lincoln’s next top DJ

Lincoln based Awooga are on the search for new DJ’s to help them on their quest to show Lincoln what real music is.

Established last year, the group aim to provide an alternative to the mainstream club events around Lincoln.

Playing anything from dubstep and trap to drum & bass and house music, the boys are now running a competition to recruit new DJ’s.

After asking them what the young DJ’s can gain from this experience, the group answered, “we’ll help them develop ‘tinnitus’ just that much quicker.”

They went on to say, “We feel it is better for them to destroy their ear drums with heavy bass music, rather than being raped by the Justin Biebers and Gary Glitters of the music industry.”

The competition is being held in partnership with Revolution Lincoln with the entire group and knockout stages being held there.

The winner of the competition will win a DJ slot at Awooga events and will effectively become one of the Awooga ‘wolf pack’.

The gang also shared their tips for becoming a top DJ, “you naturally need coordination, musical prowess and an ego that spans larger than Ant’s forehead, (from Ant and Dec – I canne see man!) Fireworks help too.”

The group stages are being held every first and third Tuesday of the month, with the knockout stages taking place on the 19th March, 2nd and 16th of April. The final is on the 7th May.

Here is the promotion video for the DJ tournament which also shows how good Awooga nights are.

Awooga DJ Tournament from Awooga on Vimeo.


If you are interested in Awooga or joining the ‘wolf pack’ visit their Facebook page