Easter treats – Cadbury Creme Egg Brownies

Easter. Its that time of year when we gorge ourselves on chocolate and find it hard to get off the sofa afterwards… But it’s worth it right?

Too much of the same chocolate can be a bit boring though, so how about something different to the usual Easter eggs?

We found this recipe via Facebook and HAD to share it with you all  (we’re all currently drooling over the picture too).

So what are you waiting for? Go on, get baking!


Freshly baked brownies with half a creme egg in the middle in a baking tray.

What you need:

  • 185g unsalted butter
  • 185g best dark chocolate
  • 85g plain flour
  • 40g cocoa powder
  • 3 large eggs
  • 275g golden caster sugar
  • 6 Cadbury’s Crème eggs cut in half.

How to make:


  1. Preheat the oven to 160C and grease a 20 cm square baking tin.
  2. Melt the butter and dark chocolate together either in the microwave or in a bowl over boiling water.
  3. Break 3 large eggs into a large bowl and tip in 275g golden caster sugar. With an electric mixer on maximum speed, whisk the eggs and sugar until they look thick and creamy, like a milk shake. This can take 3-8 minutes. You will know it’s ready when the mixture becomes really pale and about double its original volume.
  4. Pour the cooled chocolate mixture over the eggy mousse, and then gently fold together.
  5. Hold a sieve over the bowl of eggy chocolate mixture and sift the cocoa and flour mixture, shaking the sieve from side to side, to cover the top evenly. Gently fold in to the mixture.
  6. Pour into the baking tin and cook for 15 minutes then take out of the over and gently press the cadburys crème egg halves into the mix, spacing them apart evenly. Put back in the over for another 5-10 minutes.
  7. Leave to cool before removing from tin and cutting into squares.


Share your brownies with friends or be greedy and eat them all for yourself.
These are the ULTIMATE Easter treat!

Oh and don’t forget to take a picture and send them in to us, we want to see them!


Cheap eats – Sausage Casserole

It’s hard to find time to cook a proper meal at university, especially if you’re a second or third year with a lot of work on.

You rush in after a long day, try to eat as fast as possible and then it’s straight back out again.

Sometimes it’s easy to think you’ll just have beans on toast or instant noodles, but it isn’t always filling or healthy.

And there’s always a time when you’ll realise that you can’t afford those tasty and easy ready meals in Tesco. Maybe because you spend a little too much in that night club last night…

Soooooo Yellow Belly is here to help (along with www.greatlittleideas.com)

Here’s a cheap and easy meal to cook and eat. It’s also one which can feed hungry house mates too.

Tasty sausage casserole


Serves 4
What you need:

  • 8 sausages (of your own choice) – for cheap sausages try your local market or you can also a pack of 8 from Poundland
  • 1 jar of Homepride Sausage Casserole sauce
  • 4 medium potatoes, thinly sliced
  • an ovenproof dish
  • butter
  • vegetables (carrots, green beans, parnips etc)

How to make:

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees/gas mark 5
  2. Gently grill/fry your sausages until they are evenly browned
  3. Place the sausages into the ovenproof dish and pour in the Homepride sauce
  4. Add the vegetables of your choice
  5. Layer the sliced potatoes over your sausages and vegetables and bake for 35 minutes


You can share this delicious dish with housemates/flatmates or use less ingredients for your own portion.

It’s a hearty meal which will keep you happy and full.

Let us know your favourite meals to make for cheap!






Classic Sponge Cake recipe

It’s often difficult thinking of gift ideas and with Mother’s Day fast approaching, how about doing something different and baking.  It’s different, lost cost and delicious! Once you’ve mastered this simple recipe they will be no stopping you

You will need:

  • 115g self raising flour
  • 1 level teaspoon baking powder
  • 115g spreadable butter
  • 115g golden castor sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Two 18cm by 4cm sponge tins, lightly buttered and bases lined plus two wire cooling trays

1. Pre heat the oven to 170 degrees, gas mark 3

2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a roomy mixing bowl lifting the sieve quite high to give the flour a good airing as it goes down, add all the other ingredients.

3. Using an electric hand whisk combine the ingredients until you have a smooth and creamy consistency.

4.  Divide the mixture between the two prepared tins, level off using the back of a tablespoon and bake near the centre of the oven for about 25 minutes. The cakes are cooked when you press lightly and the centre springs back.

5. Remove them from the oven and after about 40 seconds loosen the edges by sliding a palette all round, then turn them out onto a wire cooling tray.

6. Carefully peel back the lining by gently pulling it back. Lightly place the other cooling tray on top and just flip them both over so that the tops are facing upwards to prevent them from sticking to the cooling tray.

7. When cool sandwich them together with any sort of preserve like lemon curd, fresh whipped cream.

8. Dust the whole cake generously with icing sugar. Store in a tin to keep fresh.

And enjoy!