The F Word

Every woman has been there you’re in a club with your friends and turn around thinking your friend has given you a cheeky squeeze when you realize, your friend, is in fact some creepy drunk guy. Not so recently this happened to me.  Instead of ignoring it I gave said guy a piece of my mind, we won’t go into the details what was said exactly but, my point is that at one point did men believe it’s acceptable to randomly grope a woman ?

Over the years I have been appalled to hear males of my age  believe that if a woman dresses a certain way she’s inviting herself as ‘fair game’.  This is absolutely ridiculous and makes me question how they come to believe this. It goes back to the old quote. “A woman brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one.”I love fashion and I’ve always said that my favorite part of going out is the ‘getting ready’ phase, being with your friends listening to music, doing your hair and make up and putting on a dress and heels.

Many guys will say that when they’re groping a woman in a club then it’s just ‘banter’. No it’s not, it’s actually assault.

Do we have ourselves to blame for men believing they can get away with this? If guys knew it was un-acceptable would resist clawing at a woman for attention?

I spoke to 21 year old, civil engineering Brunel University student Elise Nolan who said: “Men think if a woman is dressing and acting provocatively then she’s ‘fair game’. for a fact their excuse will be that if a woman doesn’t want that kind of a attention then she shouldn’t be putting it out there in that way.

“Of course I completely disagree, it’s a woman’s prerogative to dress and act how she wants, we don’t have to be suppressed by male expectations and ideals. I agree with men as far as if a woman obviously all over a man and he gets the wrong idea, but when it comes to unexpected groping there is no excuse.

Men, whether they like it or not, like to still believe its a man’s world, and as such think they can act how they like towards a woman and not expect consequences. Most men in a club, groping random women having had a few too many drinks will probably think nothing of it ,they won’t consider that it’s technically assault and would never think that a woman would go as far as to have them removed from a club or arrested.

I think girls have to be wary, purely because whilst some girls may love this attention, its not fair for others to be subjected to the same behavior when it is unwanted.”

Ultimately, awareness of the issue will ensure that men know what is appropriate and what isn’t and us girls need to stick together and take a stance.



Cheap eats – Sausage Casserole

It’s hard to find time to cook a proper meal at university, especially if you’re a second or third year with a lot of work on.

You rush in after a long day, try to eat as fast as possible and then it’s straight back out again.

Sometimes it’s easy to think you’ll just have beans on toast or instant noodles, but it isn’t always filling or healthy.

And there’s always a time when you’ll realise that you can’t afford those tasty and easy ready meals in Tesco. Maybe because you spend a little too much in that night club last night…

Soooooo Yellow Belly is here to help (along with

Here’s a cheap and easy meal to cook and eat. It’s also one which can feed hungry house mates too.

Tasty sausage casserole


Serves 4
What you need:

  • 8 sausages (of your own choice) – for cheap sausages try your local market or you can also a pack of 8 from Poundland
  • 1 jar of Homepride Sausage Casserole sauce
  • 4 medium potatoes, thinly sliced
  • an ovenproof dish
  • butter
  • vegetables (carrots, green beans, parnips etc)

How to make:

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees/gas mark 5
  2. Gently grill/fry your sausages until they are evenly browned
  3. Place the sausages into the ovenproof dish and pour in the Homepride sauce
  4. Add the vegetables of your choice
  5. Layer the sliced potatoes over your sausages and vegetables and bake for 35 minutes


You can share this delicious dish with housemates/flatmates or use less ingredients for your own portion.

It’s a hearty meal which will keep you happy and full.

Let us know your favourite meals to make for cheap!






Search for Lincoln’s next top DJ

Lincoln based Awooga are on the search for new DJ’s to help them on their quest to show Lincoln what real music is.

Established last year, the group aim to provide an alternative to the mainstream club events around Lincoln.

Playing anything from dubstep and trap to drum & bass and house music, the boys are now running a competition to recruit new DJ’s.

After asking them what the young DJ’s can gain from this experience, the group answered, “we’ll help them develop ‘tinnitus’ just that much quicker.”

They went on to say, “We feel it is better for them to destroy their ear drums with heavy bass music, rather than being raped by the Justin Biebers and Gary Glitters of the music industry.”

The competition is being held in partnership with Revolution Lincoln with the entire group and knockout stages being held there.

The winner of the competition will win a DJ slot at Awooga events and will effectively become one of the Awooga ‘wolf pack’.

The gang also shared their tips for becoming a top DJ, “you naturally need coordination, musical prowess and an ego that spans larger than Ant’s forehead, (from Ant and Dec – I canne see man!) Fireworks help too.”

The group stages are being held every first and third Tuesday of the month, with the knockout stages taking place on the 19th March, 2nd and 16th of April. The final is on the 7th May.

Here is the promotion video for the DJ tournament which also shows how good Awooga nights are.

Awooga DJ Tournament from Awooga on Vimeo.


If you are interested in Awooga or joining the ‘wolf pack’ visit their Facebook page

Hangover cures!

You know the feeling: the rooms spinning; the stomachs churning; the light shining though the curtain starts to become painful and despite numerous attempts, you just can’t get your head off the pillow.

The pain doesn’t end here; in fact this is just the beginning. So, like most people you start asking questions. Why am I still fully dressed? Why do I have a number of messages from an unsaved number? Why have I responded to these messages? And why do I am stamps printed on the majority of my forearm?

Welcome to a hangover.

We’ve all been there, but how many people actually know what a hangover is?

Alcohol is poisonous to many of the bodies systems. Excessive amounts of alcohol can affect the liver, the brain, the gastrointestinal system, the central nervous system and sensory perception. It can disrupt your sleep and other body rhythms, affect your mood and affect your attention and concentration. The alcohol also has a diuretic effect which causes dehydration; which results in that horrendous dry mouth in the morning.

Although unavoidable, here are some handy tips on how to make a hangover just a little more bearable:

Powerade– Any energy drink will do; preferably not red bull after a heavy night at Superbull however. It’s packed with sugar and sorts out the dry mouth that comes hand in hand with a hangover. If you no you’re going out, purchase it the night before; seeing a bottle of Powerade staring at you in the morning will cheer you up instantly!

Food – So, the stomachs still churning, there’s a half eaten kebab on the floor and the thought of food pushes your queasiness to the edge. Food in this case though is a necessity. Bananas can replace potassium and other electrolytes that your body has lost so stock up on a couple of those. A good old fashioned round of eggs of toast is also a life saver in this situation; full of healthy nutrients and the combination of protein and carbohydrates is easy on the stomach!

Ibuprofen– Your liver’s already working its socks off to get rid of the high level of alcohol you consumed last night so steer clear of anything that could damage it further (Tylenol, Paracetamol). Make sure you’re safe with it though; no more than 2 every four hours and eight in total for the day.

Stay busy– Now I’m not advising that you try and climb any mountains on this day, however stimulating your brain is a great distraction from the hangover. Get some friends round, rent some films and have a good laugh.

Shower– If only you could wash away the night before! Although, having a shower in the morning will wake you up and get you started for the day. It will also rid you of any stamps you have on your arm and the make up from the night before.

Use social media to get a job

A quick introduction to social media

Let’s be honest. Most students know how to use social media but here is a quick fact file on “the big three.”

Facebook: With over 800 million active users, Facebook is 5 times bigger than any other social network. Primarily used to maintain contact with friends and stay in the social loop.

Twitter: A conversational platform used by 175 million. Twitter resembles public text messaging system. The latest news and trends can be found here as users report directly on location.

LinkedIn: Considered the definitive professional networking site by 135 million users. It’s the place to be to showcase your talents, network with other individuals and research companies.

Tips to use social media to find a job


Let’s begin with Twitter. I have found that by following certain individuals, I’ve become aware of opportunities that I wouldn’t have even caught wind of had I not been active online. These include internships at Channel 4 and SKY.

You see, a lot of employment comes about as a result of your connections (they call it “networking” in the business world). It’s about who you know, how you know them and if you don’t know anyone, find someone who knows the right somebody (you get the gist.)

Now twitter appears on many corporation websites as most of them have an online presence on various social media sites. Many organisations use Twitter, from AT&T to New Look fashion store and even the unlikely, U.S Chamber of Commerce.

Select the organisations you fancy and make a Twitter List, this will help to keep an eye on all of them. Alternatively use hash tags to help locate specific interests.


Although Facebook may not be your first stop when trying to apply for a job, there are some organisations that use Facebook as a means to interact with potential employees.

My friends set up a business recently, making African styled accessories. It’s called NyDesigns. In need of a website, they used Facebook as well as other avenues to try and find someone who was skilled in web design. “We’re currently working on a site now and to be honest, we wouldn’t have got this far without the use of Facebook”

If you do want to use your Facebook account as a way of connecting with potential employers, it could be wise to remove any drunken pictures of yourself passed out naked in the street. That usually doesn’t get a good reaction.


LinkedIn is probably the most important form of social media that can prove to be very useful in getting a job. This is very much a professional online environment compared to websites such a Facebook and the now relatively ‘old school’, MySpace.

My lecturer Ola Ogunyemi actually told me that he personally uses LinkedIn to expand his already existing network of professionals. “It helps to increase the opportunities”

LinkedIn allows you to upload your CV and other skills and so can act as a tool to advertise yourself. This makes it easier for employers to find the skills they require in you. To add to this, it also suggests jobs that might be applicable to you.

Social media has been embraced by some organisations and detested by others. It may be wise to spend 15 minutes in between uploading last night’s photos or tweeting about your extreme procrastination, to see what you can access employment-wise on these websites.


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