Life of Pi film review

The film version of Life of Pi graced our screens last December after being adapted from the book by Yann Martel.

With CGI tigers and an island full of meerkats, the film definitely looks appealing. But what actually happens in Life of Pi?

Well, the story begins as a middle aged Piscine (Pi) Patel is approached by a journalist who was told he had an excellent story to tell.

Pi then tells the journalist about his life in India as a child

when his family owned a zoo, but they had to sell it and decided to move to

The family travelled by ship but a storm resulted in it sinking, with Pi being the only survivor.

It moves on to become a story in which Pi manages to cope on board on a small boat with Richard Parker (a Bengal tiger), and how he (Pi) battles with his spiritual beliefs whilst he drifts in the ocean.

Upon seeing the trailer, I did suspect that the film might have used too much CGI and it would look fake. However when I did actually see the film this wasn’t the case at all. The visuals were stunning, and the opening looks beautiful.

What was also brilliant about the film was that it stuck to the book; using little details which drew you to remember key points in the story. Suraj Sharma showed so much emotion and was the perfect person to play the role of Pi.

So to all those considering going to watch Life of Pi, it is definitely recommended. The film will stick with you for a long time afterwards. But make sure you watch it in 3D for the full effect!

Life of Pi


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